The ConFab
Ava “How is D doing?”

Peg “She’s fine, that guy Ari fell hopelessly in love with her of course.”

Zoe “Of course, they always do”.

Dear D,

Damn, I love you D,

I can’t wait to kiss your sweet face and lips when I see you again.

Zoe “Ho boy, D, are you buying this?”

Ava “More pollution than that Gulf oil spill, D”

Ari “D, don’t listen to them, they are jealous of what we have and what we are”

Our dinner was just the most precious moment. Don’t lose the knot. Keep in somewhere safe.

Peg “Knot? What Knot? D, he’s off in la la land again”

Ava “D, he’s an artist. Do you know what that means?”

Zoe “His head is filled with dreams and poems, and stories, and paintings”

Ava “D, he’s a dreamer”

Ari “Would you ladies go away; go catch a fish or something or whatever you do”

Ari “D, don’t listen to them, dreamers are the stuff of this life. Without dreams we are nothing”

Following the path to Pond Cove, along that yellow roped trail was like a living roadmap or our time.

Zoe “What’s he writing about now?”

Ava “Shoosh, I want to hear this?”

The rope fence guided us with each twist and turn; like a mirror of our lives.

One turn was for hope, one for the fear, one for sadness, one for joy.

On the way back, you took the wrong turn; I guided us back on the right track.

Taking the trip down Gull Rock Road was filled with steps and missteps.

But I said “I trust you” and I meant what I said.

Peg “D, Ari is a dreamer.”

Zoe “But he’s OK”

Ava “You can trust him”